Selected artist for the 4th Annual ARTS WEEK - During Arts Week The Sou’Wester (Seaview, WA) hosts 30-35 artists and art collectives for a week of residency work culminating in a weekend (Friday and Saturday) of music, studio tours, performances and installations. March 2023.
Behind the scenes, creating a new performacce “The Contempory White Artist” with my 2 dogs at The Sou’Wester ART WEEK Residency March 2023. PHOTO CREDIT @sora.blu
Behind the scenes, creating a new performacce “The Contempory White Artist” with my 2 dogs at The Sou’Wester ART WEEK Residency March 2023. PHOTO CREDIT @sora.blu
“The Contemporary White Artist” performed at The Sou’Wester ART WEEK Residency March 2023. PHOTO CREDIT @sora.blu
“The Contemporary White Artist” performed at The Sou’Wester ART WEEK Residency March 2023. PHOTO CREDIT @sora.blu
Awarded Residency at PLAYA Summer Lake in eastern Oregon for May 2019
SELF DESIGNED RESIDENCY at the Roswell Artist-in-Residence program at the Historic Studios at Berrendo Road, New Mexico. I was not an 'official' artist in residence there, I was invited by the RAIR residents Shannon Rankin and Justin Richel and stayed in private artist housing for one week. July 2017.
GIOVANNI FUSETTI @ THE CELEBRATION BARN THEATER - This residency was specifically devised to support participants to work on their own material. Participants worked one/on/one with Giovanni Fusetti immersed in the woods of Maine for one week at the Barn. June 2017. Below is the arch/score of my show.
SOU'WESTER The beloved Sou’wester is a hodgepodge of private cabins, vintage travel trailers, suites and campsites. They host free open to the public musical performance on the weekends, and an Artist Residency Program during the week. They are located minutes from the surf and less than 15 miles from Astoria, in historic Seaview on the Long Beach Peninsula. I completed a 2 week residency in 2015.
Sou'Wester, Washington 2015
HEWNOAKS Magnificently situated on the eastern shore of Kezar Lake, Maine, Hewnoaks offers an extraordinary setting of inspiration and beauty. By resurrecting its art-making traditions we aim to honor its creative history and preserve its environmental integrity. Additionally, we hope to bring interest and activity to the local community by creating a variety of opportunities for engagement. Adventurous artists and thinkers are invited to live and work at Hewnoaks from late June until mid-September each year. Residencies run from one to three weeks, depending on availability. Participants are accommodated in rustic cabins complete with basic kitchens, bathrooms and bedrooms. I completed a 2 week residency in 2013.
Hewnoaks, Maine 2013
THE CELEBRATION BARN THEATER ENSEMBLE (for which I was a core member) participated in 3 week long residencies with director Director Robert Post in 2009, 2011, 2012 at The Celebration Barn Theater in South Paris, Maine. The daily schedule included one-on-one directing sessions, rehearsal time, and group sharing of works-in-progress. This 5-day intensive retreat provided an opportunity for us a an ensemble to advance our work in an engaging, focused, and nurturing environment.
The Celebration Barn Theater, South Paris Maine
The Celebration Barn Theater, South Paris Maine
The Celebration Barn Ensemble
The Celebration Barn Ensemble
The Celebration Barn Ensemble